Having a clean criminal record can make a difference for someone who is looking for work, housing, or applying for credit. Now citizens can "wipe the slate" and eliminate most crimes on their records so that a criminal record doesn't become a life sentence to poverty.
Attorneys from the Oakland County Bar Association and Lakeshore Legal Aid will assist applicants with the expungement process during a free virtual event on Friday, October 7, from 1 to 5 p.m.
Lakeshore Legal Aid is currently striving to host one expungement clinic a month. Information on upcoming clinics can be found by following Lakeshore Legal Aid on Facebook @LakeshoreLegalAid.org and Twitter @MICH_legalaid and/or via MichiganLegalHelp.org events calendar: https://michiganlegalhelp.org/legal-clinics-and-events.