'Representing Dual Wards' discussed online, Nov. 17

The Youth Defense Project of the State Appellate Defender Office and the Michigan Appellate Assigned Counsel System will present "Representing Dual Wards" online Thursday, November 17, beginning at noon via Zoom.

Some of the most difficult delinquency cases are those where the youth is also part of an open neglect/abuse case. This training will help practitioners understand how to zealously and ethically advocate for a client in a delinquency when the attorney is also the LGAL.

Speaking at the online program will be Terina Carte and Karen Bunker, attorneys at the Child Advocacy Team in Flint, where they serve as appointed counsel for youth in both juvenile delinquency and child welfare cases. Combined, they have more than 50 years of legal experience and have exclusively represented children since 2004. Both Carte and Bunker are active members of the Children's Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, with Carte serving as a council member since 2017 and section chair since 2022. They also both are members of the National Association of Counsel for Children.

Over the past 18 years, Carte and Bunker have each represented numerous children who were dual wards. They have knowledge and experience with differentiating between best interests representation in child welfare cases and client-driven representation in juvenile delinquency cases. Both have reputations as strong, passionate advocates for children inside and outside of the courtroom.

To register for the online program, visit www.sado.org/go/dualwards. Anyone with questions should contact Joshua Pease at jpease@sado.org.

Published: Tue, Nov 15, 2022