Local county legislators to co-host 14th Tri-County Summit


Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chair David T. Woodward, Wayne County Commission Chair Alisha Bell, and Macomb County Board of Commissioners Chair Don Brown

Photo courtesy of Oakland County Board of Commissioners


On Friday, November 18, county legislators from Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties will co-host the 2022 Tri-County Summit at the Detroit Zoo. Attendees will discuss current issues facing the region, future solutions and opportunities for collaboration with a focus on water and broadband infrastructure. A recording of the day’s sessions will be available following the event.

“I look forward to again participating in this regional effort, with my colleagues from Wayne and Oakland counties, to focus on funding critical infrastructure needs of Southeast Michigan,” said Macomb County Board of Commissioners Chair Don Brown.

“When we work together, we can accomplish big things," said Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chair David T. Woodward. “With unprecedented federal infrastructure dollars available to address our region's needs, never has there been a better time to get a plan in place. I look forward to convening at the summit and continuing to make progress as we aim to improve opportunities for Michigan residents together.”

“Last year’s summit was a success, and we are pleased to be sitting down again this year with our fellow commissioners to discuss issues of vital importance to people in all three counties,” said Wayne County Commission Chair Alisha Bell.

The summit will feature a regional economic forecast for 2023, as well as in-depth panel discussions on issues about protecting area water resources and expanding broadband access to underserved communities. Speakers will include officials from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the Michigan Association of Counties, and the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments.

The Tri-County Summit was first hosted in 1998 to create a forum to identify common issues for cooperative action. Previous topics have included mental health, criminal justice, transportation/transit, economic development and regional quality of life. Following the 2021 summit, local leaders formed study groups on water and broadband infrastructure, which met regularly to discuss how to move respective solutions forward as a region.

For additional information about the Macomb County Board of Commissioners, visit http://boc.macombgov.org.

For additional information about the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, visit www.oakgov.com/boc.

For additional information about the Wayne County Commission, visit www.waynecounty.com/elected/commission.


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