Court marks 20th anniversary of Adoption Day

Following the 20th Annual Adoption Day at the Hall of Justice, the Michigan Supreme Court (MSC) has released a special report that highlights the heartwarming events of the day. Chief Justice Elizabeth T. Clement and Justice Megan K. Cavanagh welcomed judges, families, and special guests to Lansing the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to complete adoptions during the court’s first in-person celebration since before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Clement greeted the packed courtroom that included teddy bears perched on the bench. “Adoption day is about creating new families and the security and permanence they give to children. It's about opening homes, but more importantly, opening hearts to children,” she said. “We commend all foster and adoptive parents, and brothers and sisters, for doing just that as they get ready to finalize their commitment today. We also thank our partners—the Department of Health and Human Services and private agency partners—for their support in bringing these moments to fruition."

The special report, which has been issued to trial courts and event partners statewide, captured the events of the day, including families who publicly finalized their adoptions and award presentations to individuals who are child welfare champions and who work tirelessly for Michigan families.

The MSC, local state courts, and agency partners use the holiday time to raise awareness about adoption, bringing attention to the need for adoptive homes and emphasizing the importance of forever families. According to the MDHHS, approximately 10,300 children are in foster care in Michigan, including approximately 250 who need a forever family through adoption. More than 1,600 children were adopted from Michigan's child welfare system in the fiscal year 2022.

To read the report, visit the Adoption Day website at



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