'A Disability History of the U.S.' discussed by section

The State Bar of Michigan’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Section will conduct its Diversity & Inclusion Action Team Book Club online Tuesday, January 17, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom

The next read is “A Disability History of the United States” by Dr. Kim E. Nielsen, distinguished university professor, University of Toledo, and chair of the Disability Studies Program since 2017. Nielsen will join for a special Zoom edition of the book club.

The book begins with a look at disability practices among the indigenous people of North America before the coming of Europeans and carries forward through the colonial period, the post-Revolutionary War, the Civil War and its aftermath, treatment of people with disabilities in the Progressive Era, the pre-Civil Rights era, and up to today.

Nielsen is an award-winning author of nine books, including “The Oxford Handbook of Disability History” for which she was awarded the 2018 Rosen Prize of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the 2019 Disability History Association Book Award.

All members of the ADR Section are invited. To register, email Mary Anne Parks at parks.maryanne@gmail.com.