The Real Property Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan will present Real Property Law Academy II on Wednesday and Thursday, May10-11, at the Michigan State University-Management Education Center, 811 W. Square Lake Rd. in Troy.
Real Property Law Academy II is the continuation of a new program being taught by experienced Michigan real estate attorneys, each an expert in their field. The overall program (Academy I and Academy II) is designed to provide a basic understanding of the most fundamental aspects of a real estate practice. It is targeted not only for real estate attorneys, but also for other attorneys who will encounter real estate issues from time to time. Attendance at Academy I is not a prerequisite for attending Academy II. Academy I materials and a link to the recorded virtual program are available for a separate fee.
This program will help attendees:
• Gain a basic understanding of fundamentals of Michigan real estate practice
• Develop confidence, attract clients, and impress partners
• Meet some of the leading Michigan real estate lawyers
• Take home time-tested, proven forms and explanatory materials you can put to use immediately
• Network with other real estate practitioners
Topics and speakers will include:
Day One
• Property Taxation, with Jason C. Long, Williams, Williams, Rattner, & Plunkett
• Land Division, with Melissa N. Collar, Rockford Construction
• Eminent Domain, with Jerome P. Pesick, Williams, Williams, Rattner, & Plunkett; and Peter H. Webster, Dickinson Wright
• Insurance, with Michael Hale, Hale & Hirn
Day Two
• Construction, with Aileen Leipprandt, Hilger Hammond
• Water, Oil, & Gas, with William A. Horn, Ronald Redick, and Joshua D. Beard, Mika Meyers
• Residential Leasing and Anatomy of a Residential Transaction, with Donald Rump, eTitle
• Easements & CCRS, with William E. Hosler, Williams, Williams, Rattner, & Plunkett
Cost for Real Property Law Academy II is $220 for an Individual, $80 for Law School Student, and $1,200 for firm registration (up to 10 participants). To register, visit