Supreme Court keeps FDA abortion pill rules in place for now

By Mark Sherman and Jessica Gresko
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said last Friday it was temporarily keeping in place federal rules for use of an abortion drug, while it takes time to more fully consider the issues raised in a court challenge.

In an order signed by Justice Samuel Alito, the court asked both sides to weigh in by Tuesday over whether lower court rulings restricting the Food and Drug Administration's approval of the drug, mifepristone, should be allowed to take effect while the case works its way through federal courts. The order suggests the court will decide that issue by late Wednesday.

The justices are being asked at this point only to determine what parts of an April 7 ruling by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in Texas, as modified by an appellate ruling Wednesday, can be in force while the case continues.

The Biden administration and New York-based Danco Laboratories, the maker of the pill, asked the justices to intervene.

The type of order issued by the court last Friday, an administrative stay, ordinarily is not an indication of what the justices will do going forward.


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