'Victim Rights Grant Contract Budget Preparation Training' offered online

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan's Victim Services Training Unit will host an online "Victim Rights Grant Contract Budget Preparation Training" Wednesday, July 12, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

This grant contract budget training will cover the process of creating and entering yearly prosecutor-based Victim Rights Grants budgets into EGrAMS. It will be cover the grant budgeting process, including a detailed overview of specific line items, financial status reports, and general budget requirements. Prosecutor-based Victim Rights Grants managers will review details and field any questions regarding grant budgeting that stakeholders may have.

This training is for MDHHS-DVS Victim Rights Prosecutor Program grant officials (AO,PD,FO), prosecutor office victim advocates, and prosecutors/assistant prosecutors.

To register for the online training, visit https://michiganprosecutor.org and click on "Training Calendar." After registration is approved, participants will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom access link.

Anyone with questions may contact Alex McGowan at McGowanA1@michigan.gov, Bill Dailey at DaileyB2@michigan.gov, or Jeannie Wernet at WernetJ@michigan.gov.

This training is supported by a Crime Victim Rights Award. This award was made to the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Victim Services.