THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: The way to make life better

Love and Kindness makes people better. Look through the next day and look for the many ways people show love to one another. A smile, a kind word, a compliment, a thank you. These actions help people experience the uplifting power of love. Love disarms people. Anger and criticism antagonize people. The world becomes a better place when I am loving and kind toward everyone. I become a better person when I show love and kindness and compassion to everyone. It becomes so easy to complicate life. Anger, weapons, judgments and personality attacks do not seem to make life more loving and peaceful. But care, kindness and compassion create a loving and peaceful environment. The person who gives compassion and kindness and love to others becomes a better person. Those who are the recipients of kindness and love become better persons. It is so simple to see this but difficult to practice this and believe that this will happen. Families that are loving and positive are a joy to be with. Countries without weapons are a joy to visit and people feel safe where there is not an emphasis on weapons. The more love is present, the more joy and peace and happiness are present. Where there is love, a deeper experience of God is activated. The biggest struggle for all of us is to stay simple and loving. It is so refreshing to spend time with positive, loving and affirming people. Try for a day, an hour or a minute to be kind and loving in words and actions. It will bring you into a simple, uncomplicated and loving atmosphere. In this atmosphere, you will be making your corner of the world more loving and peaceful, kind and compassionate. These are simple, uncomplicated thoughts. If we could all put this into practice by being more kind and loving, it is amazing what will happen. I will remember people who treat me with kindness and I will be motivated to bring kindness to others. If people treat me in an uncaring or indifferent manner, I will experience hurt and pain. The only way to overcome this is act kinder and more loving. Heaven on earth starts when I consistently show love and kindness to everyone. And the Love of God becomes very real. -------- Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage & family therapist and limited licensed psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center. He conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Michigan. Cavaiani is associate editor and contributing writer for Human Development Magazine. His column in the Legal News runs every other Tuesday. He can be reached at 248-362-3340. His e-mail address is: and his website is Published: Tue, Dec 12, 2023