Electronic ballots to be sent out by SBM

Michigan attorneys will be sent electronic ballots later this month for contested races in the 2024 State Bar elections. Ballots will be sent prior to the Memorial Day weekend and are personalized to include races in which a member is eligible to vote. All voting is conducted online, and polls close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 17.

All active members will receive a ballot. To ensure you receive your ballot, please verify the email you have on file with the State Bar by logging in to the member area of the SBM website at michbar.org/MemberArea.

The voting site is secure and offers the same level of privacy and anonymity as voting by mail.

Anyone with have questions may contact Marge Bossenbery at mbossenbery@michbar.org or 517-346-6327, or Carrie Sharlow at csharlow@michbar.org or 517-346-6317.