Copyright Claims Board, trolling discussed online

The Intellectual Property Committee of the Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, will present an online luncheon & learn program on “The Copyright Claims Board & the Fears of Copyright Trolling” Wednesday, June 19, from noon to 12:50 p.m. via Zoom.

Speaking at the online program will be University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Assistant Professor Melissa Eckhause who is the co-director of Detroit Mercy Law’s Arts &?Entertainment Law Clinic.

Attendees will be able to learn:

• Best practices for dealing with copyright trolls.
• Nuts and bolts of the Copyright Claims Board.
• Pros and cons of filing or responding to a Copyright Claims Board claim.
• Tips for drafting a Copyright Claims Board claim.

To register for the free online program, visit and click on “events.” Anyone with questions may contact Christopher Darrow at or 248-864-5961.