‘Evolving Legal Workspace’ examined at ALA event

The Association of Legal Administrators, Metropolitan Detroit Chapter, will host a member engagement night with a look at the “Evolving Legal Workspace” on Thursday, June 6, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at SmithGroup Detroit (inside the Guardian Building), 500 Griswold, Ste. #1700, in Detroit.

Steelcase and SmithGroup will guide guests through how legal workspaces have evolved and the trends they see going forward.

The evening will feature:

• 4:30-5 p.m.: Meeting Registration with drinks/appetizers
• 5-5:40 p.m.: Welcome & Presentation by Steelcase and SmithGroup
• 5:40-6:30 p.m.: Walking Tour
• 6:30-7 p.m.: Networking/ Drinks

This free event is open business partners, ALA members, and non-members in the legal profession. To register, visit https://aladetroit.org.