Oakland County commissioners remind residents to ‘lock it up’

To kick off National Safety Month and Gun Violence Awareness Month this June, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners is reminding residents to safely store all firearms.

“Safe storage saves lives,” Board Vice Chair Marcia Gershenson (D-Bloomfield Twp.) said. “Securely storing weapons goes hand in hand with the Second Amendment rights of responsible gun owners, and we encourage all residents to review their safety procedures this month to do their part to prevent senseless tragedies.”

Commissioners presented a proclamation during their May 22 meeting declaring June 7 as National Gun Violence Awareness-Wear Orange Day in Oakland County. In June, the Board will be launching a public education billboard campaign throughout the county to encourage proper storage. In addition, the Oakland County commission website includes a section dedicated to educating residents on new state gun safety laws and changes. It also provides information about how residents may obtain free gun locks and discounts on gun safes.

“Lock it up, Oakland!” Board Chair David T. Woodward (D-Royal Oak) said. “Gun safety is critical year-round, and Gun Violence Awareness Month gives us a perfect opportunity to remind residents to store their guns securely. Together, we can save lives.”

Firearm-related injuries are the number one cause of death for those aged one to 19. In February 2024, new Michigan gun safety laws went into effect, one of which requires individuals to keep unattended weapons unloaded and locked with a locking device or stored in a locked box or container if it is reasonably known that a minor is likely to be present on the premises. Nationally, two-thirds (67 percent) of unintentional firearm injury deaths among children and adolescents occurred when the shooter was playing with the firearm or showing the firearm to others, according to a 2023 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The National Association of Counties awarded the Board with a 2023 Achievement Award for its Anti-Violence Initiative. This collection of programs was aimed at reducing violence in the community through crisis intervention training for local law enforcement offers and the support of gun buyback events, which have collected more than 570 unwanted weapons since 2022.

For additional information about the Board of Commissioners, visit OakGov.com/BOC.

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