(l-r) Jackson BPW Vice President Janet Wolfinger; Jenifer Scanlon, co-owner, Brokerage House; Jackson BPW President Robin Vafiadis; Dana Brown, realtor Brokerage House.
The Jackson BPW (Business & Professional Women) hosted Equal Pay Day at the Jackson Coffee Company on March 5. Equal Pay Day symbolizes how far into the year U.S. women must work to earn what U.S. men made in the previous year alone, and a reminder of the gender wage gap and financial inequality that continues to impact women in the workforce.

(at left) - left to right - Jackson BPW President Robin Vafiadis; Belle Coty, Director of Fund and Audience Development, Jackson Symphony Orchestra; and Jackson County Clerk, Cierra Sowle.
photo courtesy of BPW. (at right) -Katrina Rearick, legal assistant to attorney Martin Lozier.
(l-r) Jackson BPW Vice President Janet Wolfinger and Jackson BPW President Robin Vafiadis.
Jackson attorney William Rappleye.
(l-r) Jackson BPW Vice President Janet Wolfinger and Angela Detlaff, Center for Family Health.
(at left) - left to right) - Natalie Welsh and Melissa Oberg, Leading Agile Consulting, working with Consumers Energy. (at right) - Jackson City attorney Matthew Hagerty.
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