Hydraulic fracking to serve as seminar topic at Feb. 26 program

“Hydraulic Fracking in Michigan and its Impact on Southeast Michigan” will be the topic of a seminar on Thursday, Feb. 26, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Management Education Center, 811 W. Square Lake Rd. in Troy.

The Energy, Sustainability and Environmental Law, and Municipal Law committees of the Oakland County Bar Association are hosting the panel discussion.

“This panel discussion is targeted to attorneys and municipal employees,” said Terri Ticknor Gilbert, executive director of the OCBA. “Fracking is a hot topic among real estate, municipal, tort, banking, construction, government and environmental lawyers throughout the tri-county area and the state of Michigan.

The panelists include Hal Fitch, supervisor of wells, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality; Jim Nash, water resource commissioner for Oakland County; Lawrence Elkus, of Elkus Law in Farmington Hills; John Griffin, executive director of the Associated Petroleum Industries of Michigan; and Nik Banda, director of Economic and Community Development for the City of Rochester. The moderator will be Phil Grashoff of Kotz Sangster Wysocki.

For additional information on the seminar, call the OCBA at 248-334-3400 or visit www.ocba.org.

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