Information on how to manage people in law firms has been sorely lacking until now. “Lawyers as Managers: How to Be a Champion for Your Firm and Employees,” a newly released book from the American Bar Association, provides everything that wasn’t taught in law school about managing people. In addition to helping readers learn how to deal with the challenging people in a law firm, the book is a primer, guide and roadmap on how to empower, motivate and inspire everyone in a law firm.

Few lawyers enter the profession with management experience or knowledge. All too often they must learn to manage their firm’s most significant asset — its people — on the fly and without a great deal of support. Today more than ever, all members of a firm must work together as a team for the benefit of its clients.

Coordinating and getting the most out of everyone’s contributions is the responsibility of a firm’s managers, whether they are lawyers or administrators.

This book is a comprehensive and practical guide that includes the checklists, charts and resources attorneys and their managers need to lead thriving and resilient firms.

The 480-page book is divided into four sections, with an array of sub-topics. Section titles are:

• An Introduction to People Management
• The Champion Manager Toolkit: What Every Champion Manager Needs to Know and Do
• Managing Specific Individuals and Situations
• Becoming the Complete Champion Manager

The authors are Andrew Elowitt and Marcia Watson Wasserman.

Elowitt worked for more than 20 years in law firms and as the head of a corporate legal department before becoming a practice management consultant and professional certified coach. He is the managing director of New Actions LLC, a firm that specializes in talent, strategy and leadership development for law firms, businesses and government agencies.

Wasserman has more than 25 years of experience as a legal management professional and is founder and president of Comprehensive Management Solutions Inc. in Northridge, Calif., which provides C.O.O. To Go services to boutique and mid-sized law firms.  

“Lawyers as Managers: How to Be a Champion for Your Firm and Employees” costs $89.95 and can be ordered by calling 800-285-221 or online at