Federal Bar Association Book Club gathers December 8

The Book Club of the Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Capter, will discuss “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” by Michelle Alexander on Thursday, Dec. 8, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Levin Courthouse, Judicial Conference Center, Room 722, in Detroit.

This book is available for purchase at all bookstores, Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.  All points of view will be welcomed and respected at the Book Club session.

The primary goal of the FBA Book Club is to facilitate an informal but elevated dialogue between the bench and the bar.  The book club is non-partisan.

FBA members may attend for free and non-members pay $5.  Lunch is available for $10 or attendees can bring their own.  Register online at www.fbamich.org or contact Brian D. Figot, executive director, Chapter Office at 248-594-5950 or fbamich@fbamich.org.

For additional information on the book club, contact Andrew S. Doctoroff at 517-335-0236 (doctoroffa@michigan.org); David Fink at 248-971-2500 (dfink@finkandassociateslaw.com); or Erica L. Fitzgerald 313-596-9318 (efitzgerald@bsdd.com).

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