Law student eyes clinic opportunities

By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News

Attending law school was always a dream of William Frush-and after graduating from Detroit Catholic Central High School, he earned a degree in political science from the University of Michigan, studying the rise of communism in Eastern Europe and China in the 20th century, politics in Germany following World War II, and the evolution of democracy in the developing world.

"Counselors and teachers alike told me political science was an excellent way to develop some of the skills critical to succeed in law school," he says. "The decision was made easier by the fact I've always had a fascination with the history of political systems."

Frush was drawn to the law by the significant career flexibility that allows lawyers to work in a variety of fields. While committed to practicing law, he also is interested in pursuing a career as an educator, and notes that law school allows him to move closer to achieving both of those goals. The University of Detroit Mercy School of Law 1L student particularly appreciates the alumni engagement.

"I was told by both students and administrators that the alumni maintain a very active presence-however, the alumni participation still exceeded any expectations I had," he says. "During our three-day virtual orientation, alumni from around the country volunteered to lead breakout group sessions and speak to us about their experiences at Detroit Mercy Law."

He has also enjoyed the alumni participation in the Career Services Office's "Lunch with a Lawyer" series.

"It's been extraordinarily helpful to have advice from established attorneys," he says. "It also provides the students with valuable networking opportunities."

Frush initially was focused on pursuing a career in law enforcement-an interest sparked by an eighth grade tour of the FBI training facility in Quantico, Va., part of a Washington, D.C. based program, "Bringing the Lessons Home."

"I was struck by the professionalism of the FBI and their rigorous commitment to justice. It would be an honor to be a member of an organization tasked with defending our country," he says.

But his career goals have recently become more fluid and he is keeping an open mind about the many opportunities that lie ahead.

"I'm not ready to commit to just one field yet," he says. "I attended CSO events with alumni in cybersecurity, commercial litigation, and governmental roles and found myself intrigued by each. I'd like to use the summer following my 1L year to develop some experience in the legal field. Professors and alumni have told me the internship after your 1L year can be very useful in determining what someone is and is not interested in.

My focus right now is on performing well in my classes and exploring career fields after finals."

Frush is grateful to be a Dean's Fellow, not only for the alleviation of the financial burden of law school, but also for providing an alumni mentor.

"My mentor has given me great advice on how to approach my studies and some items I should be considering when applying for summer internships," he says. "It also relieves some of the pressure of law school to know that you have someone you can reach out to if you have questions."

In addition to intern/externships, Frush is looking forward to applying to clinics during his 2L year.

"A 3L has recommended the family law clinic because of the amount of exposure its participants will have to litigation-he said that during his time in the family law clinic, they were in court nearly every week," he says. "I'm also interested in applying for the criminal trial clinic."

Frush has tried to maintain a system for studying online at his Northville home, giving 10-11 hours to study and allowing a few hours to relax after class and avoid being overwhelmed.

"It can sometimes be difficult to maintain discipline, but it's a process and I'm learning along the way," he says.

Basketball, golf, reading fantasy novels, and watching professional football are among his leisure pursuits. Pre-pandemic, he loved attending Detroit Lions' games.

"Unfortunately, they aren't a very good football team, which I could discuss all day, but Ford Field is beautiful and I love the atmosphere of the city when I'm there," he says.

In January 2019, Frush started volunteering with Youth for Understanding (YFU), a nonprofit organization sponsoring international exchange students who study for a year in the United States. He has served as an area representative to three students, acting as their primary contact for YFU and submitting monthly reports to the Department of State regarding their status with a host family.

"The pandemic unfortunately interrupted the program in March and students throughout the country were sent home early," he says. "YFU experienced cutbacks throughout the summer, but has adapted and is working on establishing virtual opportunities for international students who are still interested in experiencing education in America. I'm excited to see how YFU evolves and am hopeful we can bring back international exchange students, physically, next fall."