THE COUNSELORS CORNER: The experience of togetherness

Christmas celebrations bring people closer together. The tradition of Christmas motivates people to focus on compassion and care for one another. Last Saturday we had our Annual Christmas party at our daughter and son-in-law's home. They continued a Christmas tradition that we have had at our home for many years and invited many of our longtime friends and many of their friends. It was so good to have the old and the young come together in wishing care and compassion for one another. Because of Covid we haven't had this party for a couple of years. I think we realized how much we all have missed each other and it was so good to become lovingly connected with each other again.

Each year during this last week before Christmas I become consciously motivated to reflect on what life is all about. The spirit of Christmas becomes the spirit of love and friendship. It becomes a spirit of appreciating family and friends. It helps us to focus on the purpose of life.

Life needs to always be about how well we love one another. When I focus on how well I can show love and appreciation of other people, I can help others to experience love. Everyone in life seeks love. It is why Christmas is so popular no matter what religion a person might be. These last two weeks of December each year points me in the direction of love towards everyone.

I love Christmas because I become inspired to look deeper into the meaning of love. I see the importance of love and kindness. I experience the uselessness of being critical or negative.

Christmas inspires me to jump onto the Love Train of kindness and warmth toward others. The ticket for this Love Train is a warm smile and a kind word to someone else. And when I take my seat, I can gratefully look at every one with a gentle smile and an affirming word.

Christmas is the season of Kindness and Love. Kindness and Love becomes the air we breathe at this time of the year. It is an uplifting ride to gently say kind words to another person and compassionately see the goodness in others. Christmas becomes the time to inspire us to be gentler and kinder to everyone.

Santa Claus becomes the almost universal symbol of kindness and giving. "Whether you have been naughty or nice" becomes a reminder that happiness happens when we are kind. So much love becomes an internal experience inside of us when we live a life of kindness and compassion for all.

This last week of December every year consistently inspires me to let go of negative thoughts and actions. If I can be loving and positive to everyone throughout the year, I discover a peace within me that helps me to walk gently through the day and look for love in everything and everyone.

The most powerful influence for world peace and harmony is the energy of Compassionate and Gentle Love. Love disarms people and inspires people to discover a new found goodness in life. When I am loving toward you, you will experience a better version of yourself.

Life is really very simple. Love helps us to make life simple and meaningful. Every Christmas, the simple songs about Love and Goodness become an inspiring reminder of how to live life. These last fourteen days of December can help each of us look deeper about the purpose of life. Yes, life is all about becoming more kind and loving. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone. Just keep loving throughout 2023.
Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage & family therapist and limited licensed psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center. He conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Michigan. Cavaiani is associate editor and contributing writer for Human Development Magazine. His column in the Legal News runs every other Tuesday. He can be reached at 248-362-3340. His e-mail address is: and his website is