Legal Briefs welcomes law professor online March 23

The Wayne State University Law School Legal Briefs program will feature Alan Schenk, distinguished professor of law, on Thursday, March 23, at 5:30 p.m. online via Zoom.

Over the past six years, Schenk has researched and compiled the history of Wayne Law. His book, titled "Detroit's Wayne State University Law School, Future Leaders in the Legal Community," was published by the Wayne State University Press last year and showcases how graduates impacted the school. Attendees will learn more about Schenk's research and his book's publication.

The Wayne Law Legal Briefs program features current legal content and Wayne Law information. The one-hour, virtual event is moderated by the development and alumni affairs team within Wayne Law. Alumni, students, faculty, staff, and friends of Wayne Law are invited to attend, ask questions, and connect in dialogue.

To register for this online event, visit and scroll down to "events." Zoom login details will be shared with registered guests ahead of the event.