Black Women Lawyers plan Awards Ceremony on June 20

The Black Women Lawyers Association of Michigan will hold its annual Awards Ceremony and Meet the Judges Night on Tuesday, June 20, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the St. Regis Hotel in Detroit.

Honorees to be saluted at the event include: Zenell Brown, this year’s recipient of the Harriet Tubman Social Justice Champion Award; Stephanie White-Taylor, winner of the 2023 Spotlight Award; Jocelyn Flemons, Rising Star Award winner; and Shawndrica Simmons and Rita White, co-recipients of the Sojourner Truth Award.

Robyn McCoy is president of the BWLAM while Delicia Taylor Coleman serves as vice president. Lynda McGhee is treasurer of the organization. Rita White is corresponding secretary, while Amber Thomas is recording secretary and Tanisha Davis is parliamentarian.

Tickets cost $60 for the event, while law student admission is $35. Admission is free for judges. Register by e-mailing

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