COUNSELOR’S CORNER: What is the purpose of your life?

This question enters every person’s mind and heart. Sometimes we think about this when we are very young. At other times this thought can surface when we are old and gray. To answer this question accurately, it becomes very important to reflect on what has been the most meaningful and happy moments in our life. As I look over my life, I become more aware of two very meaningful experiences: one experience is how I feel when someone treats me with love and affirmation. I then feel presence of being loved, accepted and respected. But what I have come to realize deeper is that when I first treat another person with love and affirmation, they become kinder to me and will often say something that indicates that I am loved and respected by them. The other meaningful and happy experience in my life is when I have a positive experience of God in my life. This always happens when I slowly and reflectively focus on God’s Love for me in each moment of life. I then begin to realize that there is a God who is always loving me and always pouring goodness and kindness into me.

The biggest mistake in life for me is when I refuse to be gentle, loving and kind toward others and when I minimize the importance of prayer and meditation throughout the day.
The most profound experiences in my life are when I hear someone tell me about their brokenness in a humble and honest manner and when I sit quietly with God and listen to God’s ever-present inspirations.  Throughout my whole life when things we painful, I discovered that my belief in a loving God always became deeper when I embraced the pain of the present moment or the joy of the present moment.

I now realize that all of life is meant to be a profound and loving experience of God. The early morning hours of meditating and writing out my daily experience of God has been so powerfully helpful in staying reflectively in this present moment. The purpose of life, I now realize, is discovered when I tune into this present moment in a gently, loving, reflective manner. I really do not have to concerned how the world should be. But I do need to be concerned of the importance of being kind and loving to everyone and the many ways I can experience God in this day.

It never helps when I am in a rush. And it never helps when I spend time thinking about how you should be. But it helps me tremendously to simply love you and be kind to you. It helps me so tremendously when I focus on how I can experience God in this present moment. The joy of an eternal life with God becomes so real when that the purpose of my life is to be kind and loving and to allow myself to experience God in this present moment. Life is always an amazing experience that keeps getting deeper in every moment. But I need to stop analyzing and simply keep experiencing God in each moment. This will happen if I realize that God wants me to experience this amazing love of God in each moment by becoming reflectively quiet and gently loving and kind toward everyone.

Elizabeth Barret Browning says it so very well: Earth’s filled with heaven and everyone common bush afire with God. Only he who sees takes off his shoes. the rest sit around and pluck blackberries. The more I love and the more I let my heart open up to God, the more I will see and take off my shoes and see and experience God in each moment of life.
Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage & family therapist and limited licensed psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center. He conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Michigan. Cavaiani is associate editor and contributing writer for Human Development Magazine. His column in the Legal News runs every other Tuesday. He can be reached at 248-362-3340. His e-mail address is: and his website is