Board of Commissioners adopts resolution designating Oakland County as a Purple Heart County

Veteran Doug Hibbing  U.S.M.C. of the Troy VFW Post 4037 (center) joined Commissioners (left to right) Ann Erickson Gault and Penny Luebs at the May 22 Oakland County Board of Commissioners meeting to support the adoption of a resolution designating Oakland County as a Purple Heart County.

Following a unanimous vote by its Board of Commissioners on May 22, Oakland County has been designated a Purple Heart County.

“We are committed to remembering, honoring and respecting all of our veterans and Purple Heart recipients,” Commissioner Penny Luebs (D-Clawson) said. “My father, two sons and three uncles are military veterans who have served in the Army and the Navy. I am a member of the American Legion Post 14 and VFW Post 4037 to continue the tradition of supporting our veterans, and I was proud to help bring this initiative to our community.”

The Purple Heart medal is the country’s oldest military medal. It is awarded in the name of the president and is presented to service members who have been wounded or killed as a result of enemy action while serving in the United States military. By naming Oakland County a Purple Heart County, officials are honoring the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform wounded or killed by an enemy while serving to protect the freedoms of all Americans.

“The freedoms we enjoy were fought for time and again, and we owe a debt of gratitude for the sacrifices and service of our veterans,” Commissioner Ann Erickson Gault (D-Troy) said. “I applaud Commissioner Luebs for this effort to make Oakland County a Purple Heart County and ask the community to join us in honoring our service members and their families.”

The Board and Oakland County Veteran Services plan to honor this designation through special activities later this year.

“It is important to honor and remember those veterans from Oakland County who have been awarded the Purple Heart,” Garth Wootten, Oakland County Veteran Services division manager said. “Designating Oakland County as a Purple Heart County will serve as an acknowledgement of their service and sacrifice and a reminder of the cost of the freedoms that we enjoy.”

For additional information about the Board of Commissioners, visit

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