‘Advanced Trial Training Program’ presented by FBA

The Federal Bar Association of Michigan, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, in conjunction with the American College of Trial Lawyers will present an “Advanced Trial Training Program” on Wednesday, July 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse, 231 W. Lafayette Blvd. in Detroit.

This event will focus on pre-trial issues, and include the participation of several federal judges, with an eye toward preparing for trial: discovery, dispositive motion practice, case conferences, motions in limine, and trial preparation.

The afternoon session will afford participants the opportunity to present an oral argument on an issue based on case materials provided and receive feedback from a current federal judge and other experienced practitioners.

Panel discussions will feature U.S. District Court Judges Terrence Berg, Susan DeClercq, Shalina Kumar, Matthew Leitman, David Lawson, Brandy McMillion, and Laurie Michelson.

The program will conclude with a reception.

The cost for this full-day event is $140 for FBA members  and $215 for non-members.  

To register, visit https://fbamich.org and click on “calendar.”