‘DNA Direct Exam Workshop’ offered

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan will present a “DNA Direct Exam Workshop” for prosecutors on Tuesday, July 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Auburn Hills Public Safety Building, 1899 N. Squirrel Rd. in Auburn Hills.

This workshop provides the opportunity to do a direct examination of an MSP DNA Analyst using case material and lab reports with feedback from the trainers and lab personnel. Each attendee will be provided with case material before the training (including lab reports/case summary, SANE chart, and MSP DNA pre-recorded presentations). Direct exam will be based on the material given. Additional prerequisite material will be provided. Attendees are expected to review the prerequisite information prior to the workshop. This information will include case material and pre-recorded MSP webinars on DNA processing and interpretation (approximately 3.5 hours in total).

This training satisfies 10 hours of continuing legal education for purposes of PAAM’s Best Practices Recommendations (this includes the session as well as the review of prerequisite recordings).

The PAAM VAWP & CAPR units are unable to provide food and beverage for this training due to grant restrictions.

This training is supported by a VAWA and VOCA award. This award was made to the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Victim Services.

To register for the workshop, visit https://michiganprosecutor.org and click on “Training Calendar.”