Ethical issues in co-counsel relationships’ examined

American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education will present the webcast “Ethical Issues in Co-Counsel Relationships” on Wednesday, June 26, from noon to 1 p.m.

Working with local counsel in another jurisdiction? In need of assistance from an attorney with more specialized legal knowledge? Any attorney can find themselves sharing a client with another lawyer outside their firm. Working with co-counsel can be both rewarding and beneficial to a client, but also requires special consideration and care, as a variety of ethical issues and traps abound.

This program will address those risks, the associated liabilities, and what the ethics rules and opinions say when two or more lawyers in different firms represent the same client.

The webcast will feature two professional responsibility lawyers as they discuss:

• Why the client must consent and how to document it

• How to handle conflicts of interest

• What can be shared between counsel and other confidentiality issues

• How to establish supervision responsibilities and accountability, including fiduciary duties and liabilities to other counsel vs. client

• Who defines the scope of representation amongst counsel

• How to handle billing and fee-sharing arrangements

• Why diligence and competence remain critical

Cost for the webcast is $199.  To register, visit