Baker College showcases new Welcome Center at Chamber 'Business After Hours' event

The Jackson County Chamber of Commerce held one of its Business After Hours events at the newly-constructed Welcome Center, right, at Baker College in Jackson last Thursday. The college broke ground for the facility in the fall of 2009. The 25,000 square foot facility will house new admissions offices, the learning center and eight additional classrooms. Baker College is celebrating its 100-year anniversary having started started in 1911 in Flint with 150 students. It now boasts 14 campuses in Michigan and over 44,000 students including online students from all 50 states and 20 countries. Jackson-based Sharp and Soltis was the general contractor and Feller Finch and Associates, also headquartered in Jackson, provided the architectural design. --Legal News Photo by Mary Steinmetz Published: Mon, Aug 22, 2011

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