ICBF holds 8th Annual Memorial Golf Classic

By Roberta M. Gubbins

Legal News

It was a beautiful day at the Country Club of Lansing on June 12th when the 88 golfers lined up to play the course for the Ingham County Bar Foundations 8th Annual Memorial Golf Classic. The sun was shinning, there was a nice breeze, and the temperature in the mid-70's; a perfect day to play a round of golf for charity.

The four person teams lined up for 1:00 pm scramble competing for the Championship, First and Second Flights honors. Prizes were also awarded for the longest drive, men and women, the longest putt and closest to the pin. The winners were:

* Championship Flight: Wendy Schiller-Nichols, Gabe Nichols, Cary Campbell, Bob Fossum

* First Flight: Joseph Reid, III, Rachel Reid, Dave Feldpausch, Troy Schniers

* Second Flight: Scott Breen, Dave Nelson, Troy Clarke and Dave Bowker

The longest drive winner for men was Dave Schiller, and for women. Jan Cunningham, Brian Morley took the honors as closest to the pin and Andy Jason had the longest putt (41' 7").

The major corporate benefactor was Thomas M. Cooley Law School. The corporate sponsors included: Alane & Chartier, PLC, Church Wyble PC, Fraser Trebilcock Davis & Dunlap PC, Loomis Ewert Parsley Davis & Gotting PC, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn PC. Foster Swift Collins & Smith PC sponsored the lunch and Sinas Dramis Brake Boughton & McIntyre PC sponsored the reception in the evening.

The annual golf outing is a fundraising event for the Foundation which supports several worthy charitable causes in the Lansing area including:

* The Greater Lansing Food Bank

* Thomas M. Cooley Law School 5K Race for Education

* City of Lansing Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Holiday Observance for Students

* H.O.P.E. Scholarship Program with the Lansing Police Department and Lansing Public Schools

* Elder Law of Michigan

* Highfields, Inc.

* Lansing State Journal - Newspapers in Education Program

* Ingham County Child Benefit Fund

* Dwight Rich Middle School's Emotionally & Mentally Impaired Educational Program

* Sister Cities--Voting Rights Act Commemorative Program

* Sister Cities--Brown v Board of Education Commemorative Program

* Ingham County Bar Association--Bench/Bar Conference

* Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Ingham County

* Thomas M. Cooley Law School--Service to Soldiers Program

The honorary co-chairpersons of the event were Don LeDuc, President, Cooley Law School and Chairman Joseph Reid, Capitol Bancorp, Ltd.

The Ingham County Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in Michigan in 2002 as a vehicle for lawyers and other interested citizens to make charitable contributions for the tangible, meaningful benefit of the community.

Its mission is to promote access to justice, expand the availability of legal services to the public at large, support local charitable organizations, promote continuing legal education, and foster the honor and integrity of the profession of law.

Any person may become a member of the Ingham County Bar Foundation by making a donation of at least $25 per year. Lifetime membership is achieved by donating $1,000 or more, either by way of one lump sum or cumulatively over the course of time. Members are entitled to voting rights and may choose to serve the Foundation through committee work.

The Foundation will accept applications for 2012 funding grants on August 1, 2012 with the deadline for applications of August 31, 2012. All grant applications must be submitted electronically. For more information, contact info@inghambar.org.

The Foundation is extremely grateful to the sponsors and the many volunteers who helped make the event a great success. The event earned over $20,000.

Published: Thu, Jun 21, 2012

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