Family Holiday

The Wayne County Family Law Bar Association held its holiday party Dec. 3. Among those in attendance were Circuit Court Judge Susan Hubbard; Carla Testani of Cummings McClorey Davis and Acho; Circuit Court Judge Arthur Lombard; Wayne County Friend of the Court Zenell Brown; Circuit Court Judge Richard Skutt; Lynn Sirich of Miller Canfield; Circuit Court Judge Connie Kelley; Symantha Heath of Elkouri Heath; Wayne County Friend of the Court Joe Schewe; Wayne County Friend of the Court David Calandro; Circuit Court Judge Richard Halloran; Circuit Court Judge Kathleen McCarthy; Jennifer LaTosch of Miller Canfield; Referee Rosanne Hostnik; Wayne County Friend of the Court Jessica Walker; Wayne County Friend of the Court Camille Dennis; and Martha Snow of Xuereb Snow.

Photo by John Meiu

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