Thursday Profile-Diana Raimi

Diana Raimi has practiced family law and commercial law in the Ann Arbor area for 35 years. In December, after 32 years as a principal in Moran, Raimi, Goethel & Karnani, she became a partner at Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer and Weiss, where, with her associate, Shalini Nangia and paralegal Alex Keszler, she is expanding the Jaffe firm's family law practice in downtown Ann Arbor. Raimi is a frequent speaker for the Institute of Continuing Legal Education and is the author of the Property Division chapter of ICLE's Michigan Family Law, which is often cited by family law practitioners, trial courts and the Court of Appeals. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and is listed in Best Lawyers and Super Lawyers. Raimi graduated with honors in biology from the University of Michigan and attended law school at University of California, Berkeley. She and her husband have been together for 39 years and they have two adult children. By Jo mathis Legal News Residence: Ann Arbor What's the best thing about your recent move to Jaffe? I thought the best thing would be having someone else take over the responsibility for the day-to-day management of a law practice, and that certainly has been pleasant. But what surprised me was how much I appreciate the wide range of legal expertise that I can access just by picking up the phone. There are so many really smart people here, and they all seem genuinely willing to share their knowledge. And they have been totally supportive of my practice and flexible about accommodating my way of doing business. What is your idea of perfect happiness? Good health, a lifelong mate who shares your goals, and a well balanced mix of work and play. What is your greatest fear? Wasting time. There is so much to accomplish and so much fun to be had, and I hate the idea that I might not be making the most of every minute. That's why my husband keeps me away from caffeine. What is your most embarrassing moment? There are so many. One that comes to mind is when I was seated at a fundraising banquet of some sort, and when introduced to someone across the table, I said, "Gee, your name is familiar." The person said, "I'm the mayor of Ann Arbor." What is the trait you hate most in yourself? My need to be appreciated. I admire people who can follow their own goals without worrying about what other people think. Favorite vacation spot: French St. Martin sounds pretty good right now. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Piety. Too many people--of all religions--use their piety to justify division, oppression or violence. It's possible to be devout as a matter of personal, private belief without it becoming destructive. If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be? William Shakespeare, Leonard Bernstein, and Ann Richards, or maybe Cleopatra. Who is your favorite character of fiction? Charlotte from "Charlotte's Web." She was dutiful, creative, and believed in the power of communication. What is your motto? "Live a life of gratitude." Also, "Don't take yourself too seriously." Guilty pleasure: Popcorn with butter. Also, documentaries about Princess Di or Michael Jackson. Last book read: "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Published: Thu, Jan 31, 2013

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