Cooley to offer Master of Laws in Homeland and National Security Law

Higher Learning Commission accredits Cooley program that is one of the first in the US LANSING, MI., March 06, 2013--Thomas M. Cooley Law School officials announced today that the school will begin offering a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Homeland and National Security Law. Cooley's Homeland and National Security LL.M. Program will be one of the first of such programs in the United States. The new degree program received approval from the Higher Learning Commission on February 26, 2013 after the American Bar Association acquiesced in the program earlier this year. Cooley will officially launch the LL.M. during the school's September 2013 term. Cooley intends to offer this LL.M. degree both on campus and online. Cooley Law School began working on plans to offer an LL.M. in Homeland Security in 2011. Brigadier General Michael C.H. McDaniel, who currently teaches Constitutional Law as well as Homeland Security electives at Cooley, has developed the school's Homeland and National Security curriculum. He previously served as U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Homeland Defense Strategy, Prevention and Mission Assurance. McDaniel also served as Michigan's first Homeland Security Advisor and concurrently served as a Brigadier General in the Michigan National Guard. "By offering a master of laws in Homeland Security, Cooley is providing future leaders with the legal knowledge and skills needed to succeed," said Cooley President Don LeDuc. "Homeland Security Law is a growing field, and Cooley is uniquely qualified to be a leader in developing and offering this type of program." Students enrolled in the Homeland and National Security Law LL.M. program will also be able serve on Cooley's latest publication, the Homeland and National Security Law Review. This Law Review will provide timely, relevant, and valuable scholarly articles in this new and dynamic discipline. It will regularly publish a selection of peer-reviewed, open-source, unclassified articles and will include an annual edition focused on Veterans affairs. "One of the strongest reasons I chose Cooley is because of its demonstrated commitment to assisting soldiers and veterans," said McDaniel. "I wanted to build on that commitment by creating a program that members of the military and others interested or engaged in federal service can use to further their careers." Cooley has been designated a "Yellow Ribbon School" by the Veterans Administration, meaning students who qualify for the GI Bill can choose Cooley to further their education. Cooley Law School also offers several programs for active and current military members to receive legal assistance in Michigan and Florida through the school's Service to Soldiers: Legal Assistance Referral Program. The Master of Laws in Homeland and National Security will address all the laws of Homeland Security, including laws on counter-terrorism, immigration, border, maritime and transportation security, public health and bioterrorism, intelligence and individual rights. The LLM Program will also offer electives in intelligence law and privacy, cyber security, emergency management, risk management and critical infrastructure, military domestic operations and practical courses in federal contracting and administrative law. "Many new laws have been enacted since September, 11, 2001, and thus, there is a need for attorneys who understand their context and application, for as Homeland Security has evolved, so, too, have the laws governing Homeland Security evolved," McDaniel said. "And, Department of Homeland Security sub-agencies are creating thousands of pages of regulations under new, but little-understood statutory authority." Students wishing to focus their expertise and enhance their career in Homeland and National Security Law may earn a master of laws by obtaining an additional 24 credit hours of course work; including 12 credit hours of required course work and an additional 12 credit hours of elective courses. "This is a competitive program offered in a flexible format, with classes on campus and online during nights and weekends," said Catherine McCollum, Director of Graduate and Extended Programs at Cooley. "Those interested in achieving the next step in their government, military, or professional career should apply to this cutting edge program." Published: Thu, Mar 21, 2013

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