Cooley Races for Education raise money for local schools

 by Daily Record Staff

Dolan Media Newswires


ROCHESTER, NY -- The Judicial Conference of the United States on Tuesday approved the latest in a series of cost-cutting measures to assure there is no overall growth in courthouse space.

The conference is endorsing a “no net new” policy under which any increase in square footage within a circuit would need to be offset by an equivalent reduction in square footage within the same fiscal year. This policy takes effect immediately and applies to court space as of the beginning of fiscal 2013. The conference also voted to impose a 3 percent space reduction target by the end of fiscal 2018. Excluded from both policies is new courthouse work approved by Congress.

Acting on the recommendation of its Criminal Law Committee, the conference agreed to seek legislation, such as the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013 (S. 619), which is designed to restore judges’ sentencing discretion and avoid the costs associated with mandatory minimum sentences. According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission, the average term of supervised release of an offender subject to a mandatory minimum sentence is 52 months, compared to 35 months for an offender who was not subject to a mandatory minimum. The cost of supervising an offender for one month is approximately $279.

In addition, the conference agreed to seek legislation that permits the early termination of supervision of inmates who are “compassionately” released from prison. These offenders typically are physically incapacitated, dying or aged to the point that they no longer present a risk of harm to the community.

The conference, the policy making body of the federal court system, meets twice a year to consider administrative and policy issues affecting the court system and make recommendations to Congress concerning legislation involving the judicial branch.

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