Thursday Profile: John E. Bos

John E. Bos was born at Sparrow Hospital in 1938, and attended Michigan State University, and the University of Michigan Law School.  Except for the three years he studied in Ann Arbor, he has lived his entire life in Lansing or East Lansing.

Bos’ extensive work as an attorney began in 1964 with Foster, Campbell, Lindemer and McGurrin, and he is now counsel with Chalgian & Tripp.

He and his wife have three children and five grandchildren. One of his favorite things to do is go fishing with his sons and grandsons at Lake Wabatongushi in Canada, something he’s been doing for 40 years.
The East Lansing resident says he intends to practice law as long as his health permits and he continues to produce high quality work.
By Jo Mathis
Legal News
What is your greatest achievement? Staying married to the same woman for 52 years and raising three children, none of whom live at home, are on drugs or in jail.
Currently reading: “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak and “John Adams” by David McCullough.
What is something few people know about you? When I was in junior high school, I had Osgood-Schlatter disease and my knee joints were growing apart.
Who are your favorite authors? Dick Francis, Daniel Silva, Randy Wayne White, C. J. Sansom, C. J. Box, Joseph Heywood, Lee Child, Robert Parker, Sharon Kay Penman and Phillipa Gregory.
Your mother always told you:  “Be polite and courteous to your elders.”
What are your most treasured material possessions: My wedding band and our cottage in the Leelanau Peninsula.
What advice do you have for someone considering law school?  I loved law school and my educational experiences at the University of Michigan.  Go for the best education at the best school that you can afford.
If you weren’t a lawyer … I would be a certified public accountant.
Your proudest moments as a lawyer:  Appearing in court with a new law school graduate to move their admission to the bar and the practice of law.
Your happiest childhood memory: Visiting with my Uncle Earl and Aunt Janice in Western Springs, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.
The most awe-inspiring place you’ve visited: The Serengeti -plains in Tanzania surrounded by approximately 200,000 wildebeests, and watching a “crossing” as thousands of wildebeests swim across the Mara River, hoping to avoid the crocs.
Must-see TV: The PBS news hour.
Favorite law-related movie:  “Anatomy of a Murder.”
The one thing you’d like to learn:  To play the piano.
Favorite fictional character:  Sherlock Holmes.
Favorite movie: The Godfather trilogy.
The three people, living or dead, you’d most like to have dinner with: England’s King Henry II, Socrates, and Abraham Lincoln.
What do you drive?  A 2013 Toyota Venza. 
What would you drive if money were no object?  A Bentley.
The best advice you’ve I ever received:  “Be true to yourself.”

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