In Boston: Marathon men

 Last month’s Boston Marathon was a banner day for American runner Meb Keflezighi (right), who became the first U.S. runner in 31 years to win the 26.2-mile race from Hopkinton to Beantown, crossing the finish line in 2:08.37. His triumph was cause for rejoice across the U.S., helping soothe wounds from the 2013 event that was scarred by terrorist bombings that killed three and injured 264 others. Mike Sullivan (left), an attorney with Collins Einhorn in Southfield and a past president of the Oakland County Bar Association, was among the 36,000 participants in this year’s marathon, qualifying for the prestigious event by clocking a 3:29 effort at the Bayshore Marathon in Traverse City last spring. Despite a nagging knee problem, Sullivan went the distance in the Boston race and later had a chance meeting and photo op with the marathon winner. Sullivan’s daughter Kathleen snapped the photo, posting it on Instagram with the tongue-in-cheek message, “Sullivan finally closes gap on Keflezighi.”

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