Career Center FIRST Robotics team looking for mentors, speakers

 The Jackson Area Career Center’s FIRST Robotics team – the Jacktown Vectors – is looking for students and adults to be part of this year’s robot build and competitions. Organizers will hold an informational meeting on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 6 p.m. at the Career Center.

Students interested in designing, building and problem-solving with an engineering focus will enjoy this group, but also needed are students interested in business and communications to promote the team, create a web site, create graphics, produce t-shirts and banners, as well as to organize fund raising activities.  Adults are needed as mentors to coach students, and business professionals are needed as team sponsors.
The robot building is scheduled to start Saturday, Jan. 3, with completion in late February. Work sessions will be held from 3 to 6 p.m., Mondays-Fridays, with some possible Saturday meetings, at the Career Center.
For more information visit

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