?Moving Beyond Blame? workshop set Jan. 15

 ‘Moving Beyond Blame: Choosing results over drama at work,’ a workshop with Bill Diedrich, is slated for 8 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 15, at Brody Square at MSU, East Lansing.

Is there drama in your workplace? Blaming, complaining, criticism, focusing on problems, and stress are all forms of blaming, that today has reached epic proportions; this workshop shows the way up and out.
Participants will learn:
•  The five payoffs/pitfalls of blaming and why they seem so attractive
•  How to break the addiction to blaming 
•  How to leave the cycle of blame 
•  How to shift focus from drama to results 
•  How to set a tone in any group that fosters responsibility 
•  How to turn complaints into constructive action and more
This workshop is based on the book “Beyond Blaming: Unleashing Power and Passion in People and Organizations” and other sources. 
To register:  http://noblaming.com and click on workshops. The cost is $98, and the book is $10. Breakfast and lunch are included in the price. For more information, call Bill Diedrich at 517-388-3735.

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