Committee raising funds for portrait

Upon Judge Nancy Wheeler’s retirement in May 2014 from a long and distinguished career of service, culminating in her service as a Probate Judge for Washtenaw County, a committee formed to raise funds to commission a portrait to hang in the Washtenaw County Courthouse.

Such portraits are privately funded and commissioned.  The anticipated cost of the portrait and unveiling reception is $5,000.

Judge Wheeler, who served on the bench for 24 years, selected artist Earl Jackson. Several sketches were submitted to the judge for approval, and the portrait is in its final stages.

A tentative date for the unveiling is Friday, Jan. 15, with Jackson in attendance.

If you would like to honor Judge Wheeler and her service to the people of Washtenaw County, please make a contribution to the fund.  Checks should be made out to the Washtenaw County Bar Association, with a notation it is for the Judge Wheeler portrait fund.

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