Get to Know Andrea Badalucco

Attorney Andrea Badalucco’s first career was as an opera singer; after earning her undergrad degree in music performance from the University of Michigan, and her master’s degree in voice and opera from the University of Southern California, she was a soloist on stages around the world including New York’s Metropolitan Opera 

Badalucco then earned her J.D. from Detroit Mercy Law School, and worked in private practice and in the Special Victims Section of the Oakland County Prosecutor’s office.

Badalucco recently joined the Southfield office of Foster Swift, focusing her practice primarily in the family law arena. She has more than a decade of courtroom experience in civil, criminal, family law and juvenile matters. She is dedicated to serving those navigating the sometimes-complex arena of the family court system.

Badalucco enjoys spending time with family, singing at church, skiing, and cooking. A terrible golfer, she hopes to give it another try soon.

By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News

What would surprise people about your job/practice? The area of family law requires both a soft touch and a tough approach. Managing that balance is sometimes hard to strike.
Why did you become a lawyer? I wanted to give a voice to those with trouble making themselves heard; and I could not envision having my own family while pursuing my career as an opera singer. It seemed to me that law would provide some of the same challenges and joys derived in singing. So I made the change. What I loved about being an opera singer was expression through the words and music on a page. What I love about being a lawyer is that I can be a vessel for my client and express their needs.
What’s your favorite law-related TV show? Blue Bloods.
Who are your law role models? (Now-retired Oakland County Circuit Court) Judge Steven N. Andrews is a true model for me. I worked for him during law school and learned how real-life law worked in the world. He had high expectations of himself, his staff, and of all lawyers who practiced in front of him. He was inspirational at a critical time for me in learning about law.
What advice do you have for someone considering law school? Make sure you have no distractions in your first year, especially if you’ve been out of study habits due to a career change, like I had!
What’s your proudest moment as a lawyer?
Getting a hug from a client.
What do you do to relax? Cook.
What other career path might you have chosen?
Working for Ina Garten on the cooking show, “Barefoot Contessa.”
What would you say to your 16-year-old self?
Do not think that where you want to go now is where you will  wind up. Enjoy the ride!
Favorite music: Classical piano.
What’s the most awe-inspiring place you’ve ever been? Israel.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
  I shop like a man. I hate shopping so I go into a store, pick something out in 5 minutes – usually without trying it on – pay, and leave.
What’s the best advice you ever received?
You are enough.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Singing alone at the Metropolitan Opera with a full audience, full orchestra, and just having a ball.

Favorite app: Blue Apron.


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