Victim compensation window closes Sept. 10 in Nassar case

While new laws may revive time-barred claims for victims of imprisoned Larry Nassar, these new legal claims must be filed by Sept. 10, 2018 for victims to be eligible to assert claims against Michigan State University, according to a pair of Royal Oak attorneys.

Attorneys Michael Pitt and Megan Bonanni are currently representing five “new” claimants in the Nassar case who were not part of the initial group of 333 who will be compensated from the Original Nassar Victim Fund.

Any other new claimants who come forward before Sept. 10 are eligible to receive awards from the $75 million New Nassar Victim Fund.

“There are fundamental differences between the two funds,” said Pitt. “Only those on an approved list at the time of the settlement are eligible to receive an award from the Original Nassar Fund. MSU has sole control over the use and allocation of the New Nassar Victim Fund. No defenses have or will be waived. There is not an award allocation process and no one has been appointed to oversee the management of the new fund.” 

Pitt also said the unused portion of the New Nassar Fund will be paid over to the Original Nassar Fund 24 months after its establishment.

“Right now, it's extremely important for every Nassar victim eligible for a revived claim who is contemplating bringing a claim for damages against Nassar, MSU or others, to consult with a knowledgeable attorney as soon as possible," said Bonanni.

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