Foster Swift launches Family Law blog

Divorce is often the first thing that comes to mind when family law is referenced; however it is one of a number of areas that encompass this law practice. To provide an informative perspective to those with similar legal needs, Foster Swift’s family law practice has launched a blog, Your Family Law Advocate, at

Family law is an area where irreversible decisions are easy to make and can result in dire consequences. The purpose of this blog is to guide readers through the legal issues and topics facing friends and families, allowing them to focus on moments that truly matter.

Foster Swift family law attorneys Andrea Badalucco, Frederick D. Dilley, John P. Nicolucci and Brett R. Schlender are providing expertise and information on: divorce; grandparent’s rights and custody actions involving grandparents; custody (post-judgment) and (deviate from court order); financial (small businesses, experts—CPA, business valuation); divorce process; and legal updates.