Local couple honored with philanthropy awards

Georgia and Travis Fojtasek were the 2019 recipients of the Community Foundation Philanthropy Award, presented on Oct. 7 by the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF) and the Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA). Pictured (l-r) CMF President and CEO Kyle Caldwell; Travis and Georgia Fojtasek; 2018 award recipient Hon. Carlene Walz-LeFere, who nominated the couple; Jackson Community Foundation President and CEO Monica Moser; and MNA President and CEO Donna Murray-Brown.

Photo courtesy of Jackson Community Foundation

Georgia and Travis Fojtasek are recipients of the Jackson Community Foundation’s Carter Wickwire Philanthropy award, named after Lt. John L. Carter and Pfc. John Gilbert Wickwire, who lost their lives in World War Two. Their families donated life insurance proceeds to help establish the Foundation in 1948.

The Fojtaseks have supported the Foundation financially and with past service as Trustees; and established the Edward and Nella Fullman Memorial Scholarship in memory of Georgia’s parents. Georgia is a member of the Carter Wickwire society, whose members include the Jackson Community Foundation in their estate plan.

During her 30-year tenure at Henry Ford Allegiance Health, Georgia worked tirelessly to help create the Center for Family Health, to bring a quality cardiac unit and more effective and comfortable cancer treatment center to Jackson. She was instrumental in encouraging her staff at Henry Ford Allegiance to volunteer at the Foundation; and two of her vice presidents served as trustees and board chairs.

Travis is a community activist and a past educator at Michigan State University. He has devoted much of his volunteerism to environmental causes and the arts. In 2012, he received the Jackson Citizen Patriot’s Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award for his commitment in helping the community through a variety of efforts. He led Recycling Jackson, which spurred the creation of other local recycling centers. He manages the Green Market, which began selling locally grown and produced items in 2010.

The Foundation forwards nominees to the Council of Michigan Foundations (CMF); and the Fojtaseks were honored with CMF’s Philanthropy Award on Oct. 7 at the annual CMF Conference in Traverse City.


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