League of Women Voters of Michigan opposes attempts to restrict voting rights

 The League of Women Voters of Michigan has released the following statements in response to attempts that attack voter rights, including requiring voters to present identification when they cast a ballot in an election or prohibiting state officials from sending absentee ballot applications to all voters, among other voter suppression tactics.

“For more than 100 years, the League of Women Voters of Michigan has worked to ensure voting is accessible to every eligible voter, and these attempts will only serve to make voting more difficult for many,” said Christina Schlitt, co-president of the Michigan League. “Requiring voters to show their IDs when voting in person or absentee will lead to voter disenfranchisement across our state when we already know that our elections are fair and secure.”

The League of Women Voters of Michigan has been vocal against bills that restrict voting rights and make it more difficult to administer elections, especially after Michigan voters in 2018 overwhelmingly affirmed their desire to make voting more convenient and accessible for all through Proposal 3.

“Tactics like requiring IDs or that prohibit the mailing of absentee ballot applications to all voters will negatively affect voters, specifically people with disabilities, people with lower incomes and young people who all have more difficulty obtaining the type of ID that is required to vote,” said Paula Bowman, co-president of the Michigan League. “These types of changes are unnecessary and make voting more difficult, which is the opposite of what Michigan voters have asked for.”

The League of Women Voters of Michigan is the state league for the U.S. League of Women Voters, which is a nonpartisan political organization that aims to encourage informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Learn more at lwvmi.org.

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