Law student brings business background to her studies

By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News

Law student Tina Toma earned a BBA and MBA from Wayne State University, interning at Mahle, where she was hired after graduation. She completed her MBA during five years at Mahle—an international development partner and supplier to the automotive industry—where she worked as a procurement professional negotiating with global vendors.

“I am so fortunate for my work experience, and Mahle's management team that always pushed me to the next level,” she says. “Every industry in the world understands the language of business. I chose to pursue a graduate degree in business because business is a fundamental concept, and opens a world of opportunities for you.”

Her reasons for attending law school are similar.

"Law is also a universal language understood worldwide. There are endless avenues and opportunities, and I will have the flexibility to use both my JD, MBA in many industries and projects," she says. "I have a passion for communication, relationship building, and negotiating; a law degree will complement these passions and bring me to the next step."

Toma is in her 1L year at Detroit Mercy Law, and a Dean's Fellow.

She  has a new appreciation for in-person education, after previous students had to study via remote classes during the pandemic.

“I’m fortunate to have all my classes in person,” she says. “Zoom has become a more accepted form of communication—it makes life easier, but I prefer to have my classes in person. Also, Detroit Mercy is in the heart of Detroit, very close to the courthouses. I’ve not yet had the opportunity to visit the courthouses, but I sure hope that’s in my near future!”

Toma says she has a responsibility to make many people proud who have supported her thus far—her family (specifically her parents), friends, and the Detroit Mercy Law community.

“Not entirely sure what I’ll be doing in the future—exciting things, I hope, but I know my career goal is to give back to the people and communities that have raised me,” she says. “I want to be successful in my career and be a mentor and advisor for other students embarking on a similar path.”

With her previous work experience in the business field, Toma is interested in the business/corporate side of law, but is open to other areas as her studies progress.

“Ultimately, I’m open-minded, and I don't want an opportunity to pass me,” she says.

The first-generation in the U.S. of her Chaldean parents,  Toma is the first in her family to graduate with a college degree.

"I'm so proud of my nationality. Chaldeans have been in the States for a few decades now, and it's incredible to watch our Chaldean first generation pursue higher education. My parents did not have higher education opportunities, they spent their 20s living through a war," she says.

“My parents have provided all their love and support during my college education. However, it wasn't easy at times not to have college-educated parents to help the process. I had to learn things alone, which was sometimes challenging.

“I share this information with other students as much as possible – it’s challenging to be a first-generation student. This is a cause I care about, and I believe there needs to be a unique program for this.”

One of three sisters, Toma also has a brother, who is interested in attending Detroit Mercy Law.

“I hope he will join me in the next year or two,” she says. “He's stressing for the LSAT. I sure don't miss those days.”

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