Dual JD student has a passion for astrophotography

Photo courtesy of Janson Fu

By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News

A 2L student in the Dual JD program at Detroit Mercy School of Law and University of Windsor Faculty of Law, Janson Fu earned an HBSc. degree in Astronomy and Physics from the University of Toronto. He went on to earn a BEd from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.

While Fu did not pursue a career in teaching, his passion for problem-solving and using his knowledge, skills, and experiences  drew him to study law. 

 Fu appreciates the community of Detroit Mercy Law. “The students here are supportive of each other, as is the faculty,” he says.  

At the completion of his 1L year Fu was a summer student at Dentons in Toronto, a leading global law firm.

“What I enjoyed most was the opportunity to have a real lawyering experience,” he says. “The summer student program was rotational, allowing me to assist different groups. I worked on transactions with lawyers, conducted legal research, and learned about a lawyer’s role in regulatory and transactional matters. The lawyers I worked with were also receptive to questions and provided detailed feedback. My cohort was wonderful, and the student program was well structured, making my summer at Dentons a valuable experience.”

In his 1L year, the Pro Bono Students Canada program was a valuable experience. 

“I enjoyed working with other students to research interesting issues and learning how to effectively communicate that research to the public to make that information accessible,” he says. 

Currently serving as senior editor of the Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues, Fu is particularly interested in litigation. 

“I enjoy developing my oral and written advocacy skills and find being in court exciting,” he says. “It also feels like I’m more involved in assisting clients with their issues. I haven’t decided what area I want to focus my litigation interest in yet, but I know I want to be in court as much as possible.

“While my goals aren’t set in stone, I hope to be able to practice law at the highest level possible—whether that’s as a judge, partner, or in-house counsel will depend on circumstances that will change with time.

“One thing for certain is that I want to incorporate mentorship as much as possible in my career,” he adds. “Mentorship is very important to me, and I attribute a lot of my development and success to my mentors. I intend to incorporate mentorship into my long-term goals to support the generation of lawyers that will come after me.”

Fu currently is interning at the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office and also interning at the Veterans Law Clinic at Detroit Mercy Law. 

“I’m intent on developing my advocacy skills—nothing is more involved than being in a courtroom or actively developing a client’s claim,” he says. “By having both experiences, I hope to develop a broad perspective, grounded in empathy, on the practical impacts law has on people.” 

Currently living in Windsor, after law school graduation Fu plans to return to Toronto, but in the meantime he enjoys spending time this side of the border in the Motor City.

Away from his studies, Fu’s principal hobbies are astrophotography and rock climbing. 

“I love astrophotography because it’s all about planning things out and building up that anticipation for the ultimate reveal of your image. It requires a lot of time tinkering, waiting for clear nights, acquiring good images, and processing all that data, but it’s always worth it in the end,” he says.

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