Daily Briefs . . .

Justice Bernstein to address Older Persons’ Commission March 20
On Friday, March 20, newly sworn in Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein will speak at the Older Persons’ Commission (OPC) in the Ruth Cattell Auditorium. Bernstein will be the featured guest speaker at the OPC’s monthly “Low Vision Support Group” which meets at 10 a.m.  Anyone is welcome to attend. A Q&A will be held afterwards.

Bernstein made history last year when he was elected as the nation’s first blind Supreme Court Justice.  His inspiring talk will include overcoming obstacles in his life and career. This special event is free and open to the public.

 The OPC is the state’s premier senior resource and community center and is dedicated to the physical, intellectual and emotional well-being of seniors age 50+ who are residents of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township. 

The OPC has a number of programs and services designed to help seniors “age in place” so they do not have to move out of their homes.  OPC operates a door-to-door transportation program to help seniors complete their daily activities. A full “Meals on Wheels” program with home delivered and site meals for disabled or homebound seniors, and senior resources for those with special needs. 

WLAM-Wayne Region to host annual Winter Wine-Down Feb. 26

Women Lawyers Association of Michigan-Wayne Region invites attorneys to join them at their Annual Winter Wine-Down on Thursday, Feb. 26 from 5:30-8 p.m. at the Courthouse Grille located near downtown Plymouth. WLAM-Wayne will be honoring Judge Martha M. Snow and Judge Karen Y. Braxton of Third Judicial Circuit Court. Ticket prices will include wine and appetizers.

To RSVP or for more information on this event, please contact Santana Schneider via email at santana.schneider@3rdcc.org.

Wayne Law Alumni Speaker Series Feb. 17
“Fresh Perspectives on International Law” will be the topic of the Tuesday, Feb. 17, installment of Wayne State University Law School’s Alumni Speaker Series. Four alumni will share their expertise from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. in Lecture Hall 2242 of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights at the law school, 471 W. Palmer St. The event is free, and lunch will be provided. Parking will be available for $7 (credit and debit cards only) in Structure One across West Palmer Street from the law school.

Register by contacting Kaylee Place at kaylee.place@wayne.edu or 313-577-2731.

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