Daily Briefs

Mulligan Supreme Court sends golf cart case back to judge

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan Supreme Court is sending a golf cart dispute back to the first tee.

Ken Bertin and Doug Mann were playing at Farmington Hills Golf Club in 2013 when Mann accidentally hit Bertin with a cart. Bertin filed a lawsuit over his injuries.

An Oakland County jury said Mann didn't commit reckless misconduct. The case has been appealed because Bertin argues that the legal standard applied by the judge was too high.

In a unanimous decision Wednesday, the state Supreme Court ordered Judge Martha Anderson to take another swing. The court says Bertin deserves a new trial if the judge finds that the risk of being hit by the cart wasn't reasonably foreseeable.


Pitt named president of Public Justice    

Michael Pitt, co-founding partner of Royal Oak-based Pitt McGehee Palmer & Rivers, has been elected president of Public Justice for a one-year term.

Public Justice is a national public interest law firm that pursues high-impact lawsuits to combat social and economic injustice, protect the Earth’s sustainability, and challenge corporate conduct and government abuses.

As president of Public Justice, Pitt will guide the organization’s litigation, fundraising, advocacy work and lead the Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

“We are excited and honored to have a civil rights advocate as dedicated, passionate and experienced as Michael Pitt to guide out litigation and other activities in the coming year,” said F. Paul Bland, executive director of Public Justice.

Pitt and his firm are currently representing thousands of Flint residents in several class action lawsuits arising from lead-tainted water in the city’s municipal water system. In another large class action, Pitt’s firm is representing thousands of state residents wrongly accused of fraud by the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency.

Pitt has previously been named a Champion of Justice by the State Bar of Michigan and given its Distinguished Service Award. In addition, Michigan Lawyers Weekly named him to Leaders in the Law and Michigan Association for Justice also selected him as its 2018 Champion of Justice.

He has served in board and leadership positions for numerous legal organizations, including American Bar Association; State Bar of Michigan; Oakland County Bar Association; and Wayne State University Board of Visitors.


Catholic Lawyers Society of Detroit Family Summer Picnic

The Catholic Lawyers Society of Detroit Family Summer Picnic will be Sunday, August 5 at Grosse Pointe Shores Municipal Park, 800 Lake Shore Rd. in Grosse Pointe Shores. The fun begins at 1 p.m. Outdoor mass will be celebrated at 3 p.m. Event cost is $10 per individual or $25 per family. RSVP by August 1 to Robert Gazall at (313) 452-3944 or gzrs1991@gmail.com.

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