International trade focus of SBM meeting

The International Law Section (ILS) of the State Bar of Michigan recently hosted an informal meet-and-greet with representatives of many of the chambers of commerce devoted to promoting trade between Michigan and other countries. Among those taking part in the meeting and networking fair at the Columbia Center in Troy were (left to right) Paul Vandevert, Robert Roth, Neil Woelke, ILS Chair-elect James Rayis, ILS Secretary Elliot Church, ILS Chair Troy Harris, Tim Kaufmann, Eve Lerman, Douglas Duchek, ILS Treasurer Reinhard Lemke and John Wright. Organizations participating in the event included the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, French American Chamber of Commerce—Michigan Chapter, Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce, Michigan Israel Business Accelerator, Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce, Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce, Detroit Chinese Business Association and Italian American Business Chamber of Michigan.

– Photo by John Meiu

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