Daily Briefs

 Webinar to explore ‘New ABA Standards for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid’

The American Bar Association will present “The New ABA Standards for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid - Parts 1 & 2” as a webinar on Monday, May 23, beginning at 1 p.m.

For sixty years, the ABA Standards for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid have provided guidance to the nation’s legal aid organizations on best practices for the delivery of legal services to their clients. The Standards recently underwent a year-long revision and redrafting process which has resulted in a newly adopted set of Standards that reflect today’s legal aid practice. 

This six-hour training is designed for legal aid organization leaders, managers, staff, funders, and board members to learn how the new Standards have been drafted to support the provision of high-quality legal services and to ensure that organizations are managed effectively. 

The training, led by experienced legal aid leaders, will utilize a series of real-world hypotheticals and breakout sessions to allow participants to examine the new Standards in depth, and an ethics-focused portion of the program will demonstrate how the new Standards provide guidance under evolving ethics rules.  Among the speakers at the webinar will be Angela S. Tripp of Michigan Legal Help (https://michiganlegalhelp.org).

Cost for the webinar is $150 for ABA members and $225 for non-members.  To register, visit www.americanbar.org and click on “events.”


Ethics opinion from SBM board clarifies responding to negative online reviews

The State Bar of Michigan Board of Commissioners has issued a formal ethics opinion regarding responding to negative online reviews.

Formal ethics opinion R-26 states a lawyer may not disclose confidential client information or secrets when responding to negative online reviews. Such disclosure would violate the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.6(b). R-26 further states that responding to negative online reviews is not included in the exceptions for responding to an accusation of wrongful conduct exemptions listed under MRPC 1.6(c)(5).

The State Bar of Michigan offers a variety of services to help attorneys stay up to date on ethics opinions and to help attorneys navigate difficult situations, including an ethics webpage (www.michbar.org/opinions/ethicsopinions) with a variety of resources as well as a confidential ethics helpline at 877-558-4760.

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