DBA's Fish & Game Section annual Pheasant Hunt set

The Detroit Bar Association’s Fish & Game Section will host its annual Fratarcangeli Charity Pheasant Hunt on Sunday, March 5 at Rooster Ranch in Ubly, located in Huron County approximately 110 miles north of Detroit.

The cost is $265, a price that includes breakfast, lunch, tower shoot, and walk-up hunt. Arrive at 8 a.m. for breakfast. Overnight accommodations are available. Confirm your spot by calling (586) 243-5386.

“Join the Fish & Game Section supporting the charitable activities of Judge Mark Fratarcangeli’s sons, Mark Anthony and Gianni, at the Rooster Ranch in Ubly,” said a spokesperson for the event. “Proceeds go to the Bob Brinker Memorial Foundation, which directly helps veterans, and Band of Parents, a group working to fund pediatric cancer research. Corporate sponsors are welcome.”

For information about the Detroit Bar Fish & Game Section – or if you would like to try your hand at shooting and would like to borrow a gun and cold weather gear, contact Section Chair Donn Fresard at dfresard2@comcast.net or (586) 242-2860.