'Time Management for Lawyers' focus of webcast

American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education will present the webcast “Time Management for Lawyers” on Tuesday, May 23, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

This solution-oriented webcast outlines dozens of practical, specific time management techniques attorneys can use immediately to become more productive and less stressed

Attendees will learn how to create a user-friendly system to keep track of tasks, projects, and reminders; use basic project management techniques to accomplish larger projects; prioritize tasks to manage for the short-term; focus on the most important tasks throughout the work day; delegate projects and tasks to manage time and a legal team; accomplish the most important tasks despite the “tyranny of the urgent”; use technology wisely so it doesn’t become a time-waster; readjust habits to overcome chronic procrastination; get down to work even when not in the mood.

Cost for the webcast is $199.  To register, visit www.ali-cle.org.